Make $$$ from Internet

Ways of Making $$$ From The Internet
1. Create (and regularly maintain) a blog (at,, or website (eg at Then, subscribe to Google Adsense ( or Yahoo Publisher Network ( for your blog or website. Make $$$ from the advertisements.

2. Source for good services and products locally. Offer them in your website. Use Google Checkout, or Paypal for payment, and DHL for delivery. Advertise your services in EBay. (aka become an online trading company)

3. Think of a great Web service idea (like google, blogspot, amazon, facebook, etc). Prototype and develop it, and then make it available online. When your company is very successful, sell it to a big company like Microsoft.

4. Make an E-Book out of a useful topic (e.g. a self-help/DIY how-to), and then sell it online, via E-Bay or e-mail.

5. Learn more about a subject area, learning from books and Google. Create a portal of information (including links to external web pages that contain good, relevant, and useful information) on that particular topic or subject area. Then, sell advertisements, product placements, and even products and services on that portal.

Google Adsense:
- "Make Money With Google AdSense",
- "Google Adsense",
- "Google Adsense Tour",
- "AdSense Help Centre",
- "Info about Adsense",
- "Google Adsense Blog",
- "What is the AdSense API?",
- "Google Adsense Tips, Tricks, and Secrets",
- "What Is Google AdSense",
- "15 Common Mistakes that Violate Google Adsense TOS",
- "Introducing Google AdSense",
- "Google's AdSense a bonanza for some Web sites",
- "Free Resource About Paying Income Tax on Google Adsense",
- "Make Money With Google Adsense",
- "Web advertising with Google AdSense",
- "Google's hidden payroll",
- "Tips for Making Easy Money with Google AdSense",
- "Google Adsense Cheque Sent Via SG Local Mail?",
- "Earning Through Google AdSense",
- "Make Your Web Site Pay: Google AdSense",
- "How to Reset AdSense Password Not Associated with Google Account",
- "Cracking the Google Adsense Code",
- "AdSense Profile: Making Money on Google",
- "The Google AdSense API: A Devil's Bargain?",
- "$1 Million in Google AdSense Earnings",
- "Adsense Payment Via Fund Transfer",
- "See What a Google Adsense Millionaire Looks Like",
- "My Google Adsense PIN",
- "Why Google is the service of choice for sploggers",
- "The Myth of Building A Software Business on Google AdSense Revenue",
- "How To Hide Google Adsense Ads In Home Page And Display Them Inside Post Pages Alone",
- "Adsense Referral Earnings Validation",
- "Generating easy cash with Google Adsense",
- "Crazy AdSense Experiment: Unethical But Legal $10,000/Month",
- "Are Made-for-AdSense Sites Ethical?",
- "Easy monetizing of your blog with AdSense",
- "Is it as Easy as it Seems to Make Money with Google AdSense?",
- "Google Adsense: Who Wants to be a Millionaire?",
- "WithDraw Adsense Money With Western Union Agent on Malaysia",

Yahoo Publisher's Network:
- "Marketers React to Yahoo! AdSense Alternative",

Affliate Marketing and Other Online Advertising:
- "Affiliate Marketing 101: Understanding the Basics",
- "What is Affiliate Marketing?",
- "History of Affiliate Marketing",
- "Contextual Advertising: Alternatives to Google Adsense",
- "Affiliate Marketing Vs. Google Adsense: Let The Battle Begin", " Associates",
- "EBay Partner Network", "Microsoft adCenter",
- "BidVertiser",
- "Text Link Ads",
- "Chitika",
- "WidgetBucks",
- "AdVoyager",
- "Blogads",
- "Smorty",
- "Clicksor",
- "AllPosters Affliate Program",
- "LinkShare",
- "Click2Sell",
- "MerchantZoo",
- "How To Make Money From Your Website",
- "Make Money From Your Content Site",
- "Make money from your web site - the best banner ad networks",
- "Travel and Make Money - Malaysia Travel Affiliate Program",
- "Shady Web of Affiliate Marketing",
- "Top 10 Commandments of Affiliate Marketing",
- "E-Commerce Guide To Affliate Marketing Solutions",
- "The ROI on PPC vs. Affiliate Marketing",

Making $$ Online:
- "Make money on the internet",
- "How to Make Money on the Internet v2.0",
- "Making Money, the How-To Way",
- "How You Can Make Money Online",
- "Freebyte's Guide to...Making moneyon the Web",
- "Make Money Online: 100+ Tools and Resources",
- "Can I Make Big Money Online",
- "101 Ways to make money online",
- "Make Money Online With a Website",
- "5 Money Making Opportunities on Facebook",
- "Making Money From Widgets",
- "Making Money Marketing",
- "Making Money Online",
- "So You Want to Join the World's Grubbiest Club: Internet Entrepreneurs",

Making $$ From Blogging:
- "The Richard Branson Guide toMaking Money With Blogs",
- "Make Money With RSS Feeds",
- "Why You're Not Making Money Online",
- "How To Make Money From Your Blog",
- "How Bloggers Make Money from Blogs",
- "How to Make Money with Your Blog Site",
- "Blog Tips To Help You Make Money Blogging",
- "How Top Bloggers Earn Money",
- "Guide To Making Money Online With Blogging",
- "How to Make Money Online for Beginners ", "Can Bloggers Make Money?",
- "There's No Money In The Long Tail of the Blogosphere",
- "How to make money from your blog: 5 tips",
- "Blogging Experiment",
- "28 Ways To Make Money With Your Website",
- "How to make money on your news content website",
- "Just Make Money Online",
- "Make Money Online With GatherSuccess",
- "Cash Fiesta",
- "Money Making Mommy",
- "Carl Ocab",
- "John Cow",
- "Mixed Market Arts",
- "How to Develop Money-Making Niche Sites with WordPress",
- "Quitting Your Job and CAD Blogging",
- "The End of Blogging for Money",
- "Bloggers find ways to profit",
- "50 Blogging and Online Money Making Tips of 2007",
- "Making money as blogger ?",
- "Interview With Malaysia’s First Full Time Blogger",
- "Singapore’s Richest Problogger Bought a Subaru STI car by Blogging",

Making $$ From Online Games and Virtual Worlds:

- "Making money from virtually nothing",
- "Free Runescape Money Making Guide",
- "Making Money in Second Life", "The Entrepreneur's Guide to Second Life",
- "'The Entrepreneur's Guide to Second Life,' is published",
Making $$ From Photos:
- "Making money from your Photographs",
Making $$ From Podcasts:
Making $$ From Videos:
- "Making Money from Online Video",
Making $$ From E-Books:
- "How To Make Money From E-Books",
- "Writing eBooks Or Reports For",
- "Self-Publish Your Ebooks Through ClickBank",
Making $$ From Online Surveys:
- "Making Money with Online Paid Surveys",
- "Make money from doing paid surveys",
Making $$ From Donations:
Making $$ From Surfing Websites:
- "Algorithms Are Terrific. But to Search Smarter, Find a Person",
Making $$ From Google Search Engine:
- "Making Money as an Aggregator",
Making $$ From Social Networks:
- "Face up to IT: Making money from social networks ",
Making $$ From Selling In ClickBank:
- "The Complete Guide To ClickBank",
- "Start Selling Your Digital Products Today",
- "ClickBank Accepts Registration From Malaysia",
-accepts-registration-from-malaysia/- "Why ClickBank Reject Malaysian?",
- "Tips For Setting Up Your Clickbank Account Correctly",
- "Recent Problems With ClickBank",
- "Clickbank Security Using PHP",
- "Low Cost Merchant Accounts - Is Clickbank Falling From Favor?",
Making $$ From Selling In EBay:
- "Ebay Making Money Opportunity",
- "Build A Niche Store",
- "Lizard Wisdom",
- "Are you really making any money on ebay?",
- "How I Have Made Money Online - Part 1 - eBay, Garage Sales and Card Trading",
- ""Basics Of Selling on eBay" 2-Days Complete Workshop",
Making $$ From Other Virtual Stores:
- "PopShops service makes it easy to market products related to your content",,136354-page,1-c,adsvisitortracking/article.html
Google Checkout:
Web Analytics Software:
- "Google Analytics",
- "Yahoo! buys Indextools: 80% of the functionality of Omniture for FREE!",
Free Web Hosting:
Making $$ Developing Online Services:
Web Services Development:
- "Making Money with Shopping APIs, and More",
- "Welcome to Amazon Web Services",
- "Monetizing Facebook applications",
- "Exclusive: Google App Engine ported to Amazon's EC2",
Other Cool Stuff:
- "The Million Dollar Home Page",
- "SouthPark On How To Make Money On The Internet",

All about Preschoolers

1. FamilyEducation - Guides on choosing a good preschool, benefits of preschools and hundreds of activities to keep your preschooler occupied, interested and engaged at home:

2. Gayle's Rainbow Preschool - Activities that you can do at home or in school to nurture reading, counting, and listening skills in your preschooler:

3. Free Kid's Crafts - Ideas on kid's crafts that will not only occupy your children but will also positively affect them:

4. Free online educational games for toddlers:

Secrets of Self-Made Millionaires

Millionaires think and see the world differently. If you've a millionaires mindset, you'll be a self-made millionaire one day...or maybe you're already a self-made millionaire yourself!

17 habits of self-made millionaires

Habit #1: They create their own destiny.
They never blame, justify and criticize like most people. They know that when they blame and criticize, they will become a victim.

Habit #2: Rich people play money game to WIN but most people play money game NOT TO LOSE.
What is the difference between these two? Rich people play money game to WIN megabucks where as most people play money game just to get enough money for themselves.

Habit #3: Rich people are 100% committed to be rich.
Let me ask you one question...Do you want to be rich? You might say "Of course I want to be rich, I wouldn't invest in this opportunity if I don't want to be rich" Most people only WISH to be rich and they don't mind not being rich. Rich people have a strong desire to be rich and successful. They know that becoming rich is their top priority and they just cannot accept not being rich.

Habit #4: Delayed gratification
What keeps most people rich is the habit of wanting instant gratification. Instant gratification is the habit of always wanting to enjoy now and not having the patience to wait for future benefits.

As a result this people spend a lot more than they invest. When it comes to investing in books and seminars etc they will always think twice as they have to wait for future benefits.

Habit #5: Rich people think BIG.
They set challenging goals for themselves and take massive action.

Habit #6: Rich people focus on opportunity
Opportunity always comes with obstacles. It's like a package; you cannot just take opportunity and "throw" the obstacles.

When there are challenges and obstacles, most people will focus on them and then give excuses like "I'm too young", "I don't have enough money" and eventually got them into believing that they are doom to be poor forever. Rich people focus on opportunity instead of obstacles.

Habit #7: Rich people respect and love money
As many of us grow up, we may unknowingly pick up many limiting beliefs and painful associations towards money from our family, friends, teachers etc. If you come from a poor or a middle class family, you might be taught that 'money does not grow on trees', 'investing is risky', 'money will change you', 'save money for rainy days' etc etc.

As a result, your subconscious mind associates so much fear and negative feelings towards money that it will stop you from becoming rich. Your inner mind won't allow you to become rich as it would give you more 'problems' or make you a bad person'.

However, you must understand that your parents and teachers taught you that because they taught they were passing a good advice. Very often they negative associations towards money and that is why they choose to pass this advice to younger generations.

Habit #8: Always do more than expected
Rich people are value creators. Value creators have the habit to do a lot more than what is expected. If they are paid $3,000, they will work as if they are being paid $10,000. If they are expected to generate $20,000 worth of profits, they will create $50,000 worth of value! Theses people are the one who get promoted super fast and get their income doubling or tripling every year.

The habit does not only apply on employees, it applies to anyone from super stars to entrepreneur.

When Michael Jordan was interviewed and asked how he became the world's greatest basketball player, he replied, "I expect more from myself than anyone would ever expect from me! When my coach expects me to train 3 times per week, I would train 5 times. When my coach expects me to score 15 points for each game, I would score 36 points! That is why I'm the best in the world".

Habit #9: Rich people are willing to promote themselves and their values

Habit #10: Rich people are BIGGER than their problems
When problem comes many people will be discourage and let the problem happens without resolving it. Rich people will try to solve their problems.

Habit #11: Rich people get paid based on results
They chose not to get rich by time. Rich people know that the wost possible way to be financially independent is to sell your time. They choose to make money based on performance and results

Habit #12: Rich people think BOTH
Most people think that if you want to earn lots of money, you'll have to sacrifice other stuff. Rich people believe that you can earn megabucks without sacrificing anything.

Habit #13: Rich people focus on their net worth
People with big cars or house are not necessarily rich. They may have lots of loans and debts.

Habit #14: Rich people manage their money well
They take calculated risk before investing their money. Most people spend most of their money on luxury things after their paycheck. But rich people their money and in opportunities that help their money grow.

Habit #15: Most people quit because of fear, doubt and worry
Rich people act in spite of FEAR, doubt and worry.

Habit #16: Rich people constantly learn and grow
Rich people are willing to learn from other people without looking at others' education, age etc.

Habit #17: Rich people have their money work hard for them
Rich people knows how to look for an opportunity, invest it and then see their money "growing". But most people work hard for money. They sacrifice their time for more money.

Why work from home?

These are some of the things that would compel you to work from home:

1.You Are The Boss
How many people endure a Boss that undervalues your contribution to the organization? Or one who takes credit for your work. More than you might think! Own your own business and you are the boss! You take the credit win, lose, or draw.

2. Work The Hours You Want
That's right! Suppose your spouse works the late shift, you would rather be home during daytime to take care of the children. And you would prefer not putting the children into day care? If you are self employed, you can easily re-schedule your work to fit your family situation.

3.No Long Commute
A friend once spent 4 hours commuting to work each day. Talk about stress. She was tired before the work day began! Say goodbye to the long commute when you are self-employed. Your longest commute might be from one the bedroom to your home office.

4. Goodby Office Politics
Have you experienced office politics? The co-workers positioning themselves with power figures to move up in the organization. Say goodbye to office politics!

5. Less Stress
Working in a familiar home environment will reduce your stress load. At home, you work at your own pace. If work gets hectic, you take a break. Put your feet up and relax.

6. Dress Codes
No more confining business suits, uniforms, or conforming to a stiff dress code. If you handle all your business over a computer or the telephone Dress The Way You Like!

7. Spend More Time With Your Family
This is a great opportunity to get the family involved in your business. And spend more quality time together.

8. Use A Skill You've Never Had The Opportunity To Use
You have ample opportunity to use your marketing skills, managing skills, accounting skills, people skills, sales skills, computer skills, and many other task you've been itching to try.

9. Realize Your Business Goals
You've taken that first difficult step toward personal and business success. By Striking out on your own and starting a home based business.

10. Boost Self Esteem
You now have more control over your financial and personal future. This will lead to a boost in your self esteem on many levels.

These are only a few of the things you will like about owning a home based business. Once you've started your own business you will add many more to the list!

Ideas on How to Make Money from Home

1. Antiques

The buying and selling of antiques has been and should continue to be a very productive business, financially, for those that do it. Here, you only need an extra room in the house, or the use of your garage -- and you have an office!

If you have a large home that has some antique furnishings, you might consider turning it into a showroom for your antique acquisitions and sales, providing you satisfy any local zoning regulations. The interest in antiques will survive into the foreseeable future. Many people choose to spend their free time on the weekends "antiquating" from place to place to try and pick up a few odds or ends and maybe a jewel or two. If you know anything about antiques, this may be a great opportunity for you.

2. Baking

Have you ever been told that you have a recipe that people would line up to get if they could? Ever had anyone tell you that you should be selling those cupcakes you make?

There are a number of success stories about people who have launched successful businesses by cooking at home and then marketing to local people first. You may specialize in on just one well-tried and tested food product; or you may innovate on a product that you created yourself and which has never been marketed before. Having perfected the recipe you then turn to packaging and marketing. Word of mouth on a good product may start to get restaurants or bakeries interested in acquiring your culinary masterpieces. Then you progress to selling them statewide and you're on your way to a profitable home-based business.

3. Bed-and-Breakfast Proprietors

Have you ever stayed in a bed and breakfast and thought, "Hey, I can do this!" You probably went on vacation and simply chalked your thought up as one of those pipedreams one gets when they stay in a beautiful spot.

Don't toss that thought away! While it's not easy work as the hours can be long and it's usually a seven days per week business, it's often something that you can work into a daily schedule. After all, it's merely an extension of doing the housework for family, right? More and more Americans are taking after Europeans and opening their homes to travelers.

If you have an extra room or two since the kids moved out, you can start a bed and breakfast in your own place! Bed and breakfast popularity will continue as more and more vacationers and business travelers seek a different accommodation away from the predictability of the average hotel room. If they enjoy their stay, many become "repeat" customers, coming back to the same familiar surroundings time and again.

If you don't need to do any major renovations in the house to accommodate this type of establishment, you can be off and running with very little money invested, other than advertising and some new "guest room supplies". If your dream is to buy a bed and breakfast somewhere in a vacation paradise, there are probably houses for sale that will work for this purpose.

4. Childcare

Due to the financial pressures faced by many families today, parents work outside of the home to bring in enough income to pay daily living expenses. A single parent is obviously working but all too often, both members of a two-parent family are in the workforce. This creates a home-based opportunity. Children must be watched, all day if they're not in school, or, otherwise, for a brief time after school before the parents finish work for the day. Most parents want their children immersed in a more stimulating environment than is usual with the average babysitter. You can begin small at home, offering a more stimulating and educational environment setting for client children.

Caring for one additional child may not be that lucrative, but taking care of several children can certainly be a full-time, financially successful business. Often, taking care of several children is made somewhat easier as the youngsters often will play together. You can do this at home for only a small investment in basic equipment and toys for the kids in addition to the advertising of your business.

5. Computer Specialist

The advent of the computer age has changed the concept of self-employment. Having a computer at home has opened a number of opportunities for running your own business utilizing this equipment. Companies everywhere are "outsourcing" work that can be done by someone else on their computer, out of their own home.

If you are a whiz in computers, you may end up working as a consultant, writing programs for companies. If you are a beginner, you may find yourself able to obtain work as a writer, using your computer to produce copy that is easy to edit. You can also keep accounting and payroll records for companies on your computer's database.

Word processing software can be used not only for writers but for those that can offer secretarial services out of their house. Desktop publishing software can allow you to do newsletters for businesses and other organizations. If you can operate a computer, you can find work in the information age today.

Of course, the advent of the Web has opened a lot of business opportunities for the enterprising individuals. If you have skills in lay-outing and graphic design, you can be a website designer. Website designers earn significant amounts of money nowadays.

Keeping House

Staying at home, keeping house and feeling that that's the only thing you're doing whole day, whole night 24/7? Here are some useful links to help you keep house, and still maintain a healthy outlook. You'll have more time to pursue more important things in your life!

1. Tips and Tricks from someone who is keeping house.

2. Keeping House Clean: Tips on Maintaining Your Home as a Peaceful Place.

3. The Keep-It-Clean Plan

4. Life is good. Read what the women had to go through in the days gone by.

Mom and Baby

The way parents communicate with their children during the first year can have a far-reaching effect on both their language skills and intelligence, it has been claimed.

Speech and language therapist Dr Sally Ward, from the Speech, Language and Hearing Centre in London, has spent the last seven years investigating language development in babies and children.

Dr Ward recommends the following advice to parents:

  • In the early months, keep talking, even if the baby is not talking back.

  • It will help to remove all the background noise which could distract the baby.

  • Be on the baby's agenda and talk about what the baby is interested in.

  • This all needs to be implemented for at least half an hour a day.

However, some clinicians and academics are sceptical of Dr Ward's claims that talking to babies can boost their intelligence. The best bet is to engage your child from all angles ... food, play, activities, toys, talk, music... make the neurons grow and interconnect as the early years are your child's learning years.

Useful Links:

1. Make your child smarter: for children up to six years old.

2. Recipes your kids will love.

3. Boost your baby's brain power.

4. Brain development in young children.