Why work from home?

These are some of the things that would compel you to work from home:

1.You Are The Boss
How many people endure a Boss that undervalues your contribution to the organization? Or one who takes credit for your work. More than you might think! Own your own business and you are the boss! You take the credit win, lose, or draw.

2. Work The Hours You Want
That's right! Suppose your spouse works the late shift, you would rather be home during daytime to take care of the children. And you would prefer not putting the children into day care? If you are self employed, you can easily re-schedule your work to fit your family situation.

3.No Long Commute
A friend once spent 4 hours commuting to work each day. Talk about stress. She was tired before the work day began! Say goodbye to the long commute when you are self-employed. Your longest commute might be from one the bedroom to your home office.

4. Goodby Office Politics
Have you experienced office politics? The co-workers positioning themselves with power figures to move up in the organization. Say goodbye to office politics!

5. Less Stress
Working in a familiar home environment will reduce your stress load. At home, you work at your own pace. If work gets hectic, you take a break. Put your feet up and relax.

6. Dress Codes
No more confining business suits, uniforms, or conforming to a stiff dress code. If you handle all your business over a computer or the telephone Dress The Way You Like!

7. Spend More Time With Your Family
This is a great opportunity to get the family involved in your business. And spend more quality time together.

8. Use A Skill You've Never Had The Opportunity To Use
You have ample opportunity to use your marketing skills, managing skills, accounting skills, people skills, sales skills, computer skills, and many other task you've been itching to try.

9. Realize Your Business Goals
You've taken that first difficult step toward personal and business success. By Striking out on your own and starting a home based business.

10. Boost Self Esteem
You now have more control over your financial and personal future. This will lead to a boost in your self esteem on many levels.

These are only a few of the things you will like about owning a home based business. Once you've started your own business you will add many more to the list!